Friday, July 24, 2009

Three Days

What takes three days? In three days, God created the sun, the sky, heaven, the Earth, the oceans, and all vegetation. For less divine folks, this company says they can remodel your bathroom or kitchen in three days. And, as announced yesterday, the NFL now requires three whole days to conduct the NFL draft. Apparently, the marathon broadcast, with an interminable 15 minutes between picks was not enough time.

To further cement their status as the bully on the entertainment playground, the NFL will air DAY 1 of the draft on a Thursday in prime time. I know what you're all thinking... I finally have an alternative to my usual Thursday viewing of NFL Total Access and NFL Network's Film Sessions, because all I live and breathe, as a 25-45 year old American male, is NFL! Well, rest easy, my friends, because your prayers have been answered.

DAY 2 will be Friday night, also in prime time, and the draft will finish the following Saturday morning. This change has left me wondering if NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, is missing a golden opportunity. The switch to three days and prime time is genius, but he should take it further. Who are we kidding? NFL is king in this country, and the fans will follow it to the ends of the earth. Goodell should make the draft an all-year affair. Draft one player per day, during prime time, and air it on every channel, like the State of the Union. Each broadcast could be a half hour - 15 minutes of pre-draft discussion, 10 seconds of the actual draft, and 14:50 minutes of post-draft analysis. Instead of the first round lasting one day, this system would give the NFL 32 straight nights of prime time gold!

Who's with me?


  1. You cannnot have a draft all year round. It just wouldn't be right. That would leave absolutely no time for all the channels, websites, and radio stations to do their mock-drafts.

  2. I don't think I could handle seeing Mel Kiper, jr that many days in a row. That said, quite possibly your finest blog of the year!

  3. Muchas gracias. The NFL rants just bring out the best of me, I guess.

    On a related note, the Red Wings Stanley Cup run (and subsequent loss in Game 7), the Tigers futility-mixed-with-genius, and the never-ending Piston soap opera all combined to keep the Lions' news at bay the past few months. It's quite a welcome respite.
