Monday, February 7, 2011

Super (Ad) Bowl

Yes, there was a game, but for a Detroiter, with only a passing rooting interest, I was significantly more interested in the ads. They offer more entertainment value per second. Last year, I was a big fan of the Google commercial:

This year, there was no clear stand-out. For sheer originality, I dug both the Coke spots. First, the Lord of the Rings-inspired castle seige. And later, with the two guards sharing a coke. Coke deserves major kudos for creating memorable ads with absolutely zero dialog.

Another keeper was the Volkswagon ad with the kid running around as Darth Vader:

Volkswagon was wise to capitalize on the cute-factor of a kid dressed up as Darth Vader. Yet, the winner for me was one that I actually missed during the telecast. It was the 2nd Eminem commercial. The first was Em hawking Brisk (which I also liked -- "Wow, this isn't bad!"). The second was Em serving as the face and identity of our fare city:

Ultimately, I'm a homer. This ad captures all that's cool about Detroit - attitude, grit, cars, great music, and no smiles. For the first time in quite a while, we can all stand-up and cheer Chrysler. Well done.

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